Friday, March 27, 2009

Food for thought:)


At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to the death penalty.

That was then the 'worst' death. Only the worst criminals could die like Jesus.And with Jesus things were worse, because not all the criminals condemned to death could receive nails on their hands and feet.

Of course, nails... Big nails! Each was 15 x 20 cm long, with a point of 6 cm. Another point was sharp.

The nails were carved into the pulses, and not into the palms, as we are used to hear. In the pulse, there's a tendon which extends to the shoulder, and when the nails were being hammered, that tendon broke, obliging Jesus to reinforce all the muscles of his back, so that he could breath as He was losing all the air from his lungs.

In this way, He was forced to support Himself onto the nail carved into his feet, which was bigger than those carved into his pulses, for both feet were carved together. And, as his feet could not endure for a long time without tearing, Jesus was forced to alternate that 'cycle' so that He could breath.

Jesus endured that reality over 3 hours.
Yes, over 3 hours! Long time, isn't it? A few minutes before He died, Jesus was not bleeding anymore.
He was simply pouring water from his cuts and holes.

When we imagine Him injured, we only picture Him with injuries, but it is not enough; His wounds were true holes, made into his body.

He had no more blood to bleed, He only poured water.
Human body is composed by near 3.5 liters of blood (for an adult).

Jesus poured out all 3.5 liters of his blood; He had three nails hammered into his members; a crown of thorns on his head and, beyond that, a Roman soldier who shoved a spear into his side.

All this without mentioning the humiliation He passed after carrying his own cross for almost 2 km, while the crowd spat on his face and threw stones (the cross was almost 30 kg of weight, only for its higher part, where his hands were nailed).

Jesus had to pass all this experience, so that you can have free access to God.
So that your sins could be 'washed' away. All of them, with no exception! Don't ignore this situation. HE DIED FOR YOU!.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring then winter~craziness!

Aaahhh! I don't know about the rest of you but I am ready for warm summer to be here. I can be patient but the thought of snow, ....again..... is enough to drive the kids and me a little crazy. We had a very productive weekend of cleaning, laundry and yard work...I didn't get to the painting:( Now I just want to be outside and open the house and let the kids run!!!.......but I can't because our yard is a huge mess of mudd and bits of snow and some leftover leaves from the fall not to mention the rain and possible snow this weekend:-(

Now that I got that out of my mind, I want to say that despite this, I am so very greatful and I'm not really compaining because I know spring will be here and the grass will grow and flowers will bloom and all will be just fine. This may not be the case for many people north of us as they prepare for flooding. It just reminds me of how blessed we are, that all though winter may seem like it is going on forever, it will be over. I will continue to pray for those people, that no one gets hurt and everyone stays safe. Pray that the levys do there job and keep the people and their homes safe from the Red River.

Happy Spring & God Bless!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is here!

So Nick has to work this weekend and I am going to do some spring cleaning and painting. The 3 older girls are sharing a room which needs to be painted and cleaned badly and the baby's room is only half painted. The dressers needed to be cleaned and organized. So much to do, so little time. We are trying to sell some stuff on craig's list and there are people coming by tomorrow to hopefully buy it and get it out of our garage!

I am excited for spring and am ready for the warm weather. I want to open the house, get everything cleaned and organize(wishful thinking right:))

Well anyways, lets hope that I still have this ambition in the morning!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Glasses for my little girl

Today we went to get "Charlotte's" eyes checked just because she's been having headaches and switching words and numbers around. Well maybe we should have brought her in sooner because her eyes were pretty bad according to the eye doctor. She was very excited to get her glasses but also a little nervous about how she would look. Well needless to say she looks adorable(if I may say so myself:)) And she is taking to it very well! It looks like we will have a few more eye doctor appointments coming up because of how bad her eyes are so hopefully all goes well and I guess we will be getting the other girl's eyes checked a little sooner:)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our sacrifice~good deeds jar

We started a sacrifice~good deeds jar for lent(we got it from Lenten Adventures). Anyways everytime the kids make a sacrifice or do a good deed they get to put a bean in the jar and then on Easter they become jelly beans. I just can't believe how well the kids are cleaning up, taking turns, sharing and letting their sisters go first. They just can't seem to wait to put a bean in the jar and I was just amazed at how well they have been doing. Now this doesn't by any means eliminate the whining or the rest but for the most part things have been noticably better here and I just thought that I would share:) May God bless!

p.s. our day is going much better after our hour of tears and prayers:)

Crazy dayz!

Why is it that on the days that you feel so organized and have your meals all planned out that the rest of the day just seems like a chaotic mess. I had lunch and upper in the crockpots(the only way I cook lately), the breakfast dishes done and kitchen cleaned up. We started school and then the whining started. Why, why oh why does a perfectly good morning have to go south so quickly with whining? I stopped school and said it was time for the rosary, I put the baby to bed and had everyone sit down and pray:) It definetly helped how our morning was going but I guess it goes to show that no matter how planned you have your day(which by the way I never really do because I'm not that organized) that sometimes you need a time out for God*

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sad situation

So I have been out of the loop for a couple of weeks. Alot has been on my mind and prayers are needed for a family that we know from church. Two weeks ago a man we know commited suicide. This family sat in the crying room with us every week when both our families only had 2 kids. Never in a million years would have I imagined that this man, who seemed to have it all would take his own life. He was loosing his wife and job and I guess he couldn't take it anymore and killed himself leaving behind a wife and 4 small children(the oldest is six and the youngest are twins who are 2). This situation has left me in a whirl wind of thought and initial emotions. I just can not imagine the state of mind that you would have to be in to take your life for starters and then to leave your children without a father. It was just hard for me to think about because I can't imagine what that would be like and how it is going to effect those kids. It really is just so sad. He just couldn't have been in his right mind and I will keep him and his family in my prayers and hope you will too. Thanks for listening(or reading) and God bless!