Wednesday, December 15, 2010




We had puppies! On Friday night our chocolate lab Lucky had her first puppy at 10:30 Friday night and her 12th puppy Saturday morning around 7:30! I still cannot believe she had 12 pups, we were thinking 5-6:) She is a great mom and when we found one that was cold and quiet in the corner of her whelping box, she followed Nick and I around while we tried to get the pup back. We didn't have any luck but we still have 11 cute little pups! If you know anyone interested in a puppy they will be ready around January 20th. We have 4 yellow, 4 chocolates, and 3 blacks. They are a really good family pet and a great hunting dog. Both Lucky(mom) and Jack(dad) are our dogs. They are both Labrador mixed with German short hair pointer. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

my house....

So tonight was another wonderful night at bookclub but before I left my husbands pager went off. There was a powerline down and so I had to scramble to get someone to watch the kids last minute. Grandma was thankfully available! Low and behold when I got home, Nick was still gone and the kids were still up(my kids are usually in bed at 7:30, so 9:15 was a bit late). The nice suprise though was the girls cleaned their rooms and made my bed:) The down side to all of this is the fact that my mother-in-law saw what a disaster the bedrooms were~ahhh! I don't mean to be vain about it but my upstairs is seriously a mess. I have half of the summer clothes put away, Jo's clothes haven't even been sorted out yet, and my room is just a mess. I have maternity clothes out and no room to put them away, the a/c is still on our bedroom floor because I can't carry it down 2 levels to the basement for storage, and I really just need to go through all of my clothes and get rid of stuff that I never wear.
Why does this bug me so much? I know that she understand that I am busy and in all honesty I tend to make sure that the main floor is clean before the upstairs because no one ever sees it. she is a great woman but her house is never a mess and I just feel like because I am home all day I should have all the time in the world to clean everything but for some reason I just don't.....
All I wanted to do was clean everything in my house but my body only had enough energy to clean the kitchen and do the dishes.
Oh well the mess will still be there tomorrow:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

our kitchen addition.......

So here is the extra counter space and the new wonderful cabinet that we now have around our fridge:):)(minus the doors:( ) It may not be much but it is a huge addition to our remodel project especially the amount of storage space that it adds! I love it and just wanted to share:)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Work in progress....

So as some may know, our house is going to be 100 years old next year!! And in being 100 years old it has many unique features~ old rope and pulley windows, uneven floors, push button outlets, and of course our granite foundation:) We have been slowly remodeling it for the past five years and are still nowhere near done but between yesterday and today we have added some new additions to our kitchen!!(which is still not even close to being done but I still love the new space:)) My kitchen has been in complete shambles over the last 2 days with every cupboard spilled over every counter top and table available. It is slowly starting to come back together and now the laundry has piled up and a few other daily chores have gone by the wayside, so hopefully tonight with the kids down and Nick still working I can put a few other things in order;)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Another busy weekend

Today was another busy Saturday. Playroom cleaned, Sams, Walmart, Target, new desks for the girls off of craigslist:):), unload everything and put away, cleaned the kitchen, dining, bathroom, living, and school room, steamed the floors, did the dishes, and painted the new desks. I am tired, the kids are in bed and Nick and I are going to sit and catch up on a couple of tv shows and head to bed:)
I guess at least to day was productive:) but I am excited for a peaceful Sunday!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I love being pregnant!

So we are in we are in week 22 of this pregnancy and I am feeling great. I just love being pregnant. The baby has been moving more and more and I just love it:)
Things have been going really well. My blood pressure has been great! I am no longer sick and have officially gained 2 pounds(but it looks like alot more:)) I have never been sick when I was pregnant so this was a whole new experience for me and who knows maybe that means its going to be a boy;)
Our school year has overall been going really well. We are not behind(which I don't think has ever been the case in past school years) I know that it is only week 6 of school but I am hoping that this continues until the baby is born or at least Christmas.
It has been forever since I have had the chance to blog but it feels good. I love fall~ all the baking, the cool weather, and the beautiful change of seasons. I had a cup off hazelnut coffee, blogged a bit and now it is back to school for me.....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Daylight savings time~

Oh it has been a day... I woke up 35 minutes late and the only consulation was that I had about 30 minutes to myself:) to clean up:( Anyways, the kids were all off schedule and we barely got any school done. But on the other hand.... I made 2 loaves of french bread, 2 regular loaves of bread, 2 batches of blueberry muffins, and spent the afternoon outside. It was busy and very much unproductive but hopefully tomorrow we will get more accomplished.