Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our sacrifice~good deeds jar

We started a sacrifice~good deeds jar for lent(we got it from Lenten Adventures). Anyways everytime the kids make a sacrifice or do a good deed they get to put a bean in the jar and then on Easter they become jelly beans. I just can't believe how well the kids are cleaning up, taking turns, sharing and letting their sisters go first. They just can't seem to wait to put a bean in the jar and I was just amazed at how well they have been doing. Now this doesn't by any means eliminate the whining or the rest but for the most part things have been noticably better here and I just thought that I would share:) May God bless!

p.s. our day is going much better after our hour of tears and prayers:)

1 comment:

Melissa @ Homegrown Catholics said...

The bean jar has worked well for us too. It's amazing I didn't hear of this before! Darn.

Hope all's well with you and yours.

PS - thanks for having Mikayla over for some great fun. She talked about it for days.